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rochePlot.f90 File Reference

Schematically plot the evolution of a binary star. More...


module  input_data
 Contains data from the input file and derived data.
module  plot_settings
 Contains plot settings.
module  roche_data
 Contains Roche-lobe data.


program rocheplot
 Plots Roche lobes for given binaries. More...
subroutine find_example_input_file (inputfile)
 If no input file is specified, try to find the example input file called rochePlot.dat. More...
subroutine read_input_file (inputfile)
 Read the lines of the input file containting evolutionary states and compute positions of the Roche lobes. More...
subroutine initialise_plot ()
 Initialise plot output; open output file, set page, create a white background, print plot title and column headers. More...
subroutine pgwhitebg ()
 Create a white background when plotting to screen; swap black (ci=0) and white (ci=1) More...
subroutine plot_disc (xL1, xc, yc, radin, radout)
 Draws an accretion disc centered on xc,yc between radin and radout. More...
subroutine plot_binary (itel)
 Plot each binary; Roche lobes, stars and labels. More...
real function xmap (il, nl, l1, lim, lr)
 Map the x-array to plot a right-hand Roche lobe. More...
real function rtsafe (funcd, x1, x2, xacc)
 Find the root of a function bracketed by x1,x2 using a combination of a Newton-Raphson and bisection methods. More...
subroutine rlimit (x, f, df)
 Calculates outer limit of Roche lobe. More...
subroutine rline (y, f, df)
 Calculates value of y^2 for given x^2 value. More...
subroutine plot_scale_bar ()
 Plot scale bar. More...
subroutine plot_rotation_axis ()
 Plot axis of rotation for the binaries. More...


integer, parameter input_data::npl =100
integer, parameter input_data::ng =10
integer input_data::klabel
integer input_data::ktel
integer input_data::blen
integer input_data::iscr
real input_data::csep
real, dimension(ng) input_data::rm1
real, dimension(ng) input_data::rm2
real, dimension(ng) input_data::pb
real, dimension(ng) input_data::rad1
real, dimension(ng) input_data::rad2
real, dimension(ng) input_data::age_mc
real, dimension(ng) input_data::rsep
real, dimension(ng) input_data::rlag
real, dimension(ng) input_data::rlef
real, dimension(ng) input_data::rrig
real, dimension(ng) input_data::hei
real, dimension(5) input_data::xtl
real input_data::xt
real input_data::yt
logical, dimension(ng) input_data::ce
character, dimension(50) input_data::txt
character, dimension(50) input_data::label
character, dimension(50) input_data::text
character, dimension(50) input_data::title
integer plot_settings::lw
real, dimension(npl) plot_settings::xpl
real, dimension(npl) plot_settings::ypl
real, dimension(npl) plot_settings::ypl2
real plot_settings::xleft
real plot_settings::xrigh
real plot_settings::ymargin
real plot_settings::ysize
real plot_settings::xlen
real plot_settings::yshift
character, dimension(50) plot_settings::outputfile
logical plot_settings::use_colour
real roche_data::q
real roche_data::q11
real roche_data::const1
real roche_data::const2
real, dimension(ng) roche_data::cediff
real roche_data::xsq
real roche_data::onexsq

Detailed Description

Schematically plot the evolution of a binary star.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

program rocheplot ( )

Plots Roche lobes for given binaries.

For each graph, read m1, m2, a, r1, r2:

  • m1, m2 = masses of left and right star, respectively
  • a = distance between stars (in solar radii)
  • r1, r2 = radii of left and right stars in solar radii
  • if (r1,r2) > 1.e5 the Roche lobe is filled
  • if both stars fill their Roche lobes, a common envelope is assumed
  • if (r1,r2) < 0. a circle with radius (r1,r2) + disc is drawn

The plot is scaled automatically:

  • first all required parameters are read
  • then lobe sizes and positions are estimated
  • finally, the individual graphs are made
  • move BW/colour selection to input file

References input_data::csep, find_example_input_file(), initialise_plot(), input_data::ktel, input_data::label, plot_settings::outputfile, plot_binary(), plot_rotation_axis(), plot_scale_bar(), read_input_file(), input_data::text, plot_settings::use_colour, input_data::xt, and input_data::yt.

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine find_example_input_file ( character, dimension(*), intent(out)  inputfile)

If no input file is specified, try to find the example input file called rochePlot.dat.

Return values
inputfileName of the input file

Referenced by rocheplot().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine read_input_file ( character, dimension(*), intent(in)  inputfile)

Read the lines of the input file containting evolutionary states and compute positions of the Roche lobes.

inputfileName of the input file
  • use dynamic arrays for more freedom in the number of binaries drawn (ng)

References input_data::age_mc, input_data::blen, input_data::ce, roche_data::cediff, roche_data::const1, input_data::csep, input_data::hei, input_data::iscr, input_data::klabel, input_data::ktel, input_data::label, input_data::ng, input_data::pb, roche_data::q, roche_data::q11, input_data::rad1, input_data::rad2, input_data::rlag, input_data::rlef, rlimit(), input_data::rm1, input_data::rm2, input_data::rrig, input_data::rsep, input_data::text, input_data::title, input_data::txt, plot_settings::xleft, plot_settings::xrigh, input_data::xt, input_data::xtl, plot_settings::ymargin, plot_settings::ysize, and input_data::yt.

Referenced by rocheplot().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine initialise_plot ( )

Initialise plot output; open output file, set page, create a white background, print plot title and column headers.

References input_data::iscr, input_data::klabel, input_data::label, plot_settings::lw, plot_settings::outputfile, pgwhitebg(), input_data::title, plot_settings::use_colour, plot_settings::xleft, plot_settings::xrigh, input_data::xtl, plot_settings::ymargin, and plot_settings::ysize.

Referenced by rocheplot().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine pgwhitebg ( )

Create a white background when plotting to screen; swap black (ci=0) and white (ci=1)

Referenced by initialise_plot().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine plot_disc ( real, intent(in)  xL1,
real, intent(in)  xc,
real, intent(in)  yc,
real, intent(in)  radin,
real, intent(in)  radout 

Draws an accretion disc centered on xc,yc between radin and radout.

xL1Horizontal position of L1 point
xcHorizontal position of centre of disc
ycVertical position of centre of disc
radinInner radius of the disc
radoutOuter radius of the disc

Referenced by plot_binary().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine plot_binary ( integer, intent(in)  itel)
real function xmap ( integer, intent(in)  il,
integer, intent(in)  nl,
real, intent(in)  l1,
real, intent(in)  lim,
integer, intent(in)  lr 

Map the x-array to plot a right-hand Roche lobe.

ilCurrent point number in array (1-nl)
nlTotal number of points in array
l1L1 position
limExtreme extent of Roche lobe (farthest from L1)
lrLeft (1) or right (2) Roche lobe
Return values
xmapMapped position of il-th x value
real function rtsafe (   funcd,
real, intent(in)  x1,
real, intent(in)  x2,
real, intent(in)  xacc 

Find the root of a function bracketed by x1,x2 using a combination of a Newton-Raphson and bisection methods.

funcdUser-provided function
x1Lower limit for solution
x2Upper limit for solution
xaccDesired accuracy for solution
See also
Numerical recipes, par.9.4 (p.258 / 359)
subroutine rlimit ( real, intent(in)  x,
real, intent(out)  f,
real, intent(out)  df 

Calculates outer limit of Roche lobe.

xPosition along binary axis
fRoche potential
dfFirst derivative of f w.r.t. x

References roche_data::const1, roche_data::q, and roche_data::q11.

Referenced by read_input_file().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine rline ( real, intent(in)  y,
real, intent(out)  f,
real, intent(out)  df 

Calculates value of y^2 for given x^2 value.

yPosition along binary axis
fPosition of Roche surface
dfFirst derivative of f w.r.t. x

References roche_data::const2, roche_data::onexsq, roche_data::q, and roche_data::xsq.

Referenced by plot_binary().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine plot_scale_bar ( )

Plot scale bar.

References input_data::blen, input_data::hei, input_data::ktel, plot_settings::ymargin, and plot_settings::yshift.

Referenced by rocheplot().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine plot_rotation_axis ( )

Plot axis of rotation for the binaries.

References plot_settings::ymargin, and plot_settings::yshift.

Referenced by rocheplot().

Here is the caller graph for this function: